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10 of my favorite books

I love to read. When I have time it's one of my favorite past times. So I thought I would share with you 10 of my favorite books that I read in 2017 (Not in any particular order).

I hope to see yours in the comments.

1: The Headmaster by Tiffany Reisz

My Review:

By far one of the best books I've ever read. Granted I suspected the events earlier in chapter eight, but it still seemed to surprise me in some spots there at the end. It's one of the greatest love stories I've read in a very long time, and I will dare to say will become a favorite of mine forever. Not only the love between the two main characters either. Who could have guessed I'd fall in love with the school, the teachers...the headmaster...the students, not in that way, and you know it. But by god I truly ended up loving it all.

2: NUTS by Alice Clayton

My Review:

I LOVED THIS BOOK! It reminded me of another author that I love. My heart got caught up so quickly in these characters. And omg what a twist close to the end. I did not see that coming! I suspect this series will be one that I continue to go back to well after I know every single line of it.

3: Cream of the Crop by Alice Clayton

My Review:

I truly do love these stories. I've got Buns waiting on me to read, and I honestly can't wait. Female characters snarky and quick witted as ever, love that it intermingled with the previous book in the series. Alice Clayton is soon becoming one of my favorites.

4: BUNS by Alice Clayton

My Review:

Can I just say that I oh oh oh loooovvvveeeddd this book! lol. It wasn't what I expected, though it still stuck with the same predictable theme all the others had. I suppose it was in the character development. More raw, more meaningful when it came to the end. Out of all the characters I think I feel in love with these two the most. They seemed...what's the word...real, relatable, soulful. Though don't get me wrong I love each and every one of the characters in the Hudson Valley series. Don't ever question that but....these two: Clara with her inability to let anyone in, and Archie with his brass forwardness, I just fell into the story, and couldn't wait to experience it when they started to reveal themselves. And what an end! lol Fabulous!

5: It Had To Be You by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

My Review:

I fell in love with this book. I've never read anything by Susan Phillips before, so I was hesitant, because I determine my reading habits by book covers. I'm not proud of it, but I am a creature of habit. I couldn't imagine what lay inside to be the best sports romances I have ever read. It was so well written. Words that formed together not only a story, but emotion woven in with every sentence. Don't even get me started on the scenes when the two MC's were intimate....they were drawn out, and I couldn't wait for the conclusion. It steamed my insides with anticipation. I loved absolutely everything about this book.

6: Playboy Pilot by Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland

My Review:

My favorite thus far! Fantastic, truly, and the author never fails to win me over with the spectacular dialogue, and banter between characters. It's a personal weakness of mine... and I envy the flow and ease it seems for the author to put all that snarky magic on page. I always laugh out loud. And I'm so glad my co-workers are used to my bursting into laughter at any moment. I loved the characters as always. Feel in love with Carter! But I mean who wouldn't love a naughty pilot with a heart of gold. And as usual I find myself loving the main female character as well. Kendell, turned around in the end and put my heart out of misery and couldn't be happier with how things worked out. Overall, a defiant recommender.

7: Risk by Riley King

My Review:

Great debut novel! If I didn’t have a toddler, and a full time job I would have finished it in one sitting. I’m not sure if the concept has ever been thought to write about the porn industry quite like this, but what a fabulous idea! Loved it! Loved the characters. Loved the setting. Loved the dialogue. And man are there some knee slappers in here that completely caught me off guard and had me laughing for days afterwards. But mostly I loved the story line, and the characters journey through it. They had a lot of learning to do, facing fears, and loved how the author sucked me into caring. And let’s not even get into the sex scenes….Okay maybe a little. They were steamy! And I write this kind of shit in my own books. You know when you get sucked in, you feel the heat in your cheeks, get a little tingly in places unmentionable, and you’ll be a complete raging monster if someone pulls you out of the scene until it’s done? NO, well you’ll experience that then. Overall: A great read!

8: Bought by Willow Winters & Lauren Landish

My Review:

This book made me curious as to the truth of the auction. If it's a figment of the authors imagination... what a brilliant fantasy it is. Usually when depicting a female being unsure in this degree it's somewhat annoying, but I found the authors found a beautiful balance. Not once did I roll my eyes and think how unrealistic her behavior was. In fact the whole book seemed perfectly balanced between fantasy and realism. Isn't that all we want in a book such as this? I loved the boldness in the use of words as well. There are so many different variations of words that are used to describe the human anatomy. The words I found not read often as much anymore I find I liked that they shocked me just enough to make the scene more vivid. Overall a great book, as well as a good representation of the lifestyle.

9: Chub Rub by Shannon Youngblood

My Review:

Let me start off by saying that Shannon Youngblood can spin pure gold with her words. She turns your everyday letters, flicks her wrist, and tames them into beautiful submission. I can't get over how beautiful some of her sentences are. I'm used to authors having a few nuggets of pure brilliance woven into their story, but I stopped myself many times to appreciate the use of certain words and turn of phrases she used to tell a story that I still have tears in my eyes from reading. Reading sooooo many BDSM books after being introduced to 50 Shades of Grey I got burnt out. But this was different from all the others I've read. It's like finally; a book that describes how the lifestyle is supposed to be lived. It was the biggest gust of fresh air that blew me off my feet to my ass and I breathed it in gratefully once settled, and read on. Maggie a sexy overweight woman (Thank god, because there is little to none of us bigger woman represented in written romantic entanglements. It's effing refreshing!), blooms as the pages unfold into a confident temptress. Jackson a dominate that loses hope, finds his purpose again in the woman that waltz into his club, into his life, and consumes his heart. They fall in love, and their love is something so finely tuned that they, from the beginning are meant to be together. The ending seemed promising, and thought I had it pegged as most times I do, but when I got to the end... My chest hurts, and thank god I'm going to the cardiologist today, because I haven't cried this hard over a character since January 2015...I know it might be creepy that I know that information, but this doesn't happen often. I'm heartbroken, and I haven't a clue if there is enough book glue that keeps a happy story, into it's binding, in the world, to repair the damage. These characters Maggie, and Jax will have a place in there forever regardless. Overall F-ing-fan-tabulous book! I insist everyone read it....seriously. I was starting to think no one could write anymore.

10: Something Borrowed by Brittany Holland

My Review:

This book started off like many do, in fact I was worried I wouldn't like it...but I found the characters sucked me in. Even the secondary characters roped me in to liking them. Bea needs her own book, and that's all I'll say. It was short though, and I found myself wanting to know more. The ending caught me a little of guard though which makes me want to suggest it to everyone. I really do love when authors catch me of guard.

Remember always leave a review! You don't want to starve artists more than we already are, Right? Thanks for reading...if you got this far, and I hope to have some great ones to post next year!

What were your favorites of 2017? Or...your favorites of all time? That for me is a diffrent blog post. *Fist Pump* YES!

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