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Beginning of HIS

Tied, bound and left on the floor at the foot of the bed, I lay on my side because that's how he left me. My eyes covered, but my ears perked and tuned to every sound.

His feet are bare on the hardwood floor, the same floor my hot face is pressed to and it gratefully cools my skin. He is thoughtful to have left the rest of me on a plush carpet, but if he hadn't I would have understood. I am his to do with, and I am happily here to comply. I hear the rough fabric of his jeans brushing against each other as he walks, and I shiver knowing he stalks closer.

My body comes alive. My nipples pucker, and my insides tighten and liquefy readying for him and whatever plan he has instore for me. I can feel him standing there watching me, his eyes making my skin hot, and the hairs on my skin rise in gooseflesh.

I don't dare move, though I want to squirm at his proximity. He graciously doesn't make me wait long. His fingers graze the edges of where the rope bites into my skin at my breasts. Takes one nipple in between fingers and pinches. Gasping this time unable to help the squirm. His other hand takes advantage of my open mouth, and his thumb glides in capturing my lower jaw. I suck gently at it, caressing the digit, and it feels like the plea it is.

The zipper is loud and a shock to my ears, making my juices come out of their confines running down the edge of one leg into the fibers of the rug. Knowing what comes next I open my mouth. His thumb replaced by my goal, my prize for my silent plea.

Moaning around his impressive erection I move my head but the way he's tied me it gives me little mobility. His fingers tangle in my hair and my whole body shifts as my face is now pressed firmly into his pelvis. I want to moan, but my mouth is full of him, so all I can do is swallow. His other hand glides across the edges of my blindfold teasing, then down the edge of my jaw in a sweet caress. My nose smashed and unable to use, my lungs start to protest. Yet I don’t panic because he knows, he always knows. He pulls me back, and I take in air.

“Good girl,” he whispers. His voice is rich, and the husk in it revealing more than he means. His thumb brushes against where saliva has gathered at the edges and smooths it over the whole outline of my lips. I groan at the gentle contact.

“What is it my Wildling? What do you want?” his voice velvety in my ears, a voice I'd heed any command from.

“You Sir. I just want you,” it sounds desperate to my ears, and it only reflects the needs in my soul.

He smacks my face with his dick and rubs the tip following the trail his thumb had made seconds before. My insides ache. My tongue snakes out tasting the pre-come that sits waiting for me. I moan again. Another smack, but this time with a hand to my bare ass.

Before I can comprehend I am face down, ass up on the bed. The only thing to steady me is a fist tangled in the ropes at my back making them bite even more into my skin. The moan out of my throat is raw and needy.

I feel his weight as he follows me onto the bed. The first entrance into my body isn't smooth but rough and unyielding. Gasping I try and arch up to ask for more I only get the bite of rope cutting deeper, and another smack for my effort. I whimper with understanding and in pleasure as he pounds into me. His breath comes quicker as his thrusts push my face further into the bed, and my bindings to cut in giving me only the span of an inch to move in either direction. But I like the bite of pain with my pleasure. Grounding me like nothing else does, the sweet confinement it gives that feels like freedom, and the trust I hand over that he knows is a gift.

He rips my blindfold from my eyes and in the time it takes for them to adjust I’m on my back on the edge of the bed. My bound feet cradled in the arch of his neck and shoulder. His thrusts slow and grow languid. For a minute I get lost watching his sculpted abdomen move, absolutely transfixed by the beauty of his movements. His arms wrapped around my legs holding me tight. These moments are treasured just as much as the times he is hard.

“Have you been good?” it matters not what I say nor how I say it. Only he has decided my fate. My punishment, my pleasure is his. But the gleam in his ocean blue eyes tell me if I don’t answer the punishment will be more than I bargained for. So I answer him with the only truth I know.

“Only you know,” a soft smile that you’d think shouldn’t accompany his next actions appears on his lips. Despite the hard flip onto the floor, the quick and harsh smack to my ass, and the foot pushing the side of my face into the rug I know all he’s trying to say.

“I know, hmmmm. Well then let me show you what I know,” he speaks in a rough growl. My ass wiggles trying to get away from his harsh intrusion. With a whimper and a grunt he seats himself inside. It burns, and it burns its way through the rest of me, he lets me adjust for a brief moment before starting his pace. His pace met only by my silent acquiescence. As it always does the burn turns to a fire in my belly, the pain allows a pleasure not met with another. Different in its exquisiteness of revealing in time that it is what I needed all along. His fingers grip harder, and his breath harsh. He is close, it makes me sad, yet nothing makes me happier.With one more punishing thrust his balls tighten against my ass, he jerks inside of me, and I am grateful. Not in the sense you might think.

I love him. I love the purpose in how he uses me. This time right now that we’ve shared is only what it is meant to be, but it is the time in my day I am free, and can be me.

He releases himself from me, and sets me slowly onto the floor. His fingers gliding over my body with reverence. With sure fingers, with grace he unbinds my ties. Those same fingers massage life back into my limbs one by one. A different pain to find a different kind of pleasure.

All is silent. No words need spoken.

Sweet full lips touch mine at the end. He zips his jeans, his shirt lays in the other room with his shoes. His keys on the counter tinkle as he grasps them on his way out of my home. Then he is gone.

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